Time to Winterize Your Home

We have enjoyed warmer-than-average temperatures this Fall, but we know winter is coming. The experts at Prairie Construction recommend homeowners take advantage of the last few days of mild temps to get their home ready for the long, cold winter.

  • Drain Your Sprinkler System. If you have an underground sprinkler system, and you have not yet had it drained, it’s time to get that done. It’s also time to disconnect hoses from outdoor water faucets. Water left in pipes can freeze and thaw throughout the winter, causing them to crack or burst, and can potentially cause major damage in your home.
  • Empty Your Gutters. The winds and rain last week brought many of the leaves down from the trees, but chances are good several of them got caught in your home’s gutters before falling to the ground. Get your gutters cleaned out now before the leaves prevent rain and snow from properly draining, leading to freezing. The weight of frozen gutters can cause damage to your roof and siding.
  • Check for Cracks and Gaps. Looks for cracks in the siding and foundation, as well as around windows and doors. Either seal them up or consider looking for services such as Siding Installation in Raleigh, NC, or house repair in your home town, to prevent cold air from coming in and warm air from going out!
  • Weatherproof Doors and Windows. You can lose a lot of energy from door and window, particularly if you live in an older home. Weatherstripping doors and windows, installing
  • Service your Furnace. If you haven’t yet, have your furnace serviced and cleaned by hiring companies such as Hollenbach Home Comfort Services (hollenbachoil.com) to ensure it functions properly throughout the winter. As part of their normal operation, furnaces emit carbon monoxide. In order to ventilate the carbon monoxide outside of your house, it is important to install an exhaust pipe. Professionals from the likes of Air Makers or similar companies can check the exhaust pipe for leaks to make sure all carbon monoxide is leaving your home and your family is not being exposed to it. And if they see anything malfunctioning, they can repair it immediately. This will also give you a chance to see if you need to get anything else in your HVAC unit repaired, or if it might be time for a new furnace soon. And don’t forget about having the chimney cleaned – especially if you plan to use a fireplace this season.

Taking the time now to get your home ready for winter before the cold and snow arrive will go a long way in helping you stay warm, conserve energy and avoid damage to your home.