Renovate vs. Build

The Prairie Construction team would like to thank O’Donnell, Ficenec, Wills & Ferdig, LLP for partnering with us on their recent office renovation project.

The Omaha-based certified public accounting company occupied the second floor of the First National Bank building located at 114th & Dodge St. The OFWF team recognized the need for an updated space and chose to renovate their existing space.

We work many clients who have a desire for an updated space, but aren’t sure whether to move and build new, or renovate their existing space. We found ourselves in the same position a few years ago, and we made the decision to the renovate instead of building new – and what a great decision that was!

If your existing space has adequate room for your needs, an upgrade may be the way to go. Renovation projects are often quicker because the necessary elements are already in place. 

Cost is always a factor for any project, and a huge consideration when it comes to renovating vs. building. While a renovation project can be costly, depending on design and chosen materials, it is almost always less expensive than a new build.

Renovation projects may come with some restrictions from a design standpoint because you are limited to the confines of the existing space. However, if the space is adequate, there are endless possibilities when it comes to redesigning a space.

We enjoyed the renovation of the OFWF office. If you have questions about renovating vs. building, call the Prairie Construction team today!